Kinder Orientation Program- for a 2024 Start
When a child first goes to school, there is great change for that child and for his or her family. We believe that you, the child's parents re the most important link in the educational chain and that together parents and teachers can make your child's experience of school an excellent and enjoyable one.
The better the bridge between home and school, the better the education—that's the message of recent research.
We look forward to our partnership with you and hope that you will become involved in the life of the school. We will do our best to communicate with you about what we are doing in our school and why. We will try and answer your questions honestly and completely as we can. You were your child's first teacher, and even now that he or she is entering formal education, you retain that important position.
Stage 1
Parents are invited to attend an Kindergarten 2024 Parent Information evening at the school. It is the perfect opportunity to meet teaching staff and other parents, learn about the features of the school, ask questions and complete the enrolment process.
Stage 2
This involves an invitation for children starting Kinder to attend an Orientation Program where each child visits the school over 10 consecutive weeks on a specified day and time, facilitating an easier transition and also lessening the parents feelings or concerns over the impending separation.
Stage 3
As part of the enrolment process, children are requested to attend a 30-45 minute 'Best Start' session with one of the Kindergarten teachers. This will happen prior to the student's first day of school in 2024. All parents are sent a letter informing them of their interview and commencement date and time at the end of 2020.
During the beginning of Term 1 of school, Kindergarten students are supported through a number of transition processes involving:
- Kindergarten teachers being released from playground duty to provide extra support
- Kindergarten teachers stay with students to eat lunch
- Kindergarten students are matched up with a Year 6 buddy
Readiness for School
There are many things that parents and caregivers can do to prepare their children for school. These are some ways in which you can assist your child's transition to school:
- Talking to him or her about school in a positive and exciting way
- Encouraging him or her to be curious about the world by asking him or her questions and encouraging him or her to question in return
- Regularly reading to him or her. At five and six the bedtime story is as important as ever
- Talking about experiences such as trips to the shops, city, zoo, beach etc.
- Providing a variety of play materials such as paper, pen, paint, sand, water and playdough
All children starting Kindergarten are required to provide an immunisation certificate, which is a record of their immunisation status. In NSW children can start school if their fifth birthday is before 31st July. However, all children must begin school by their sixth birthday. Many parents wonder if their child is ready for school. Try to look at your child's readiness in all areas of development. Children develop at different rates and learn skills and knowledge in different ways. Remember that your child's "stage" is more important this his/her age.
The list below is designed to help parents decide whether their child is ready or not to start school.
Language Development
Talk to adults about familiar objects and events
Answer and ask simple questions
Follow simple directions or instructions
Enjoy looking at books
Identify pictures in books, magazines or on television
Use a variety of things such as pencils, textas, paint brushes etc. to draw, scribble or write
Join in signing familiar songs, rhymes etc.
Number Development
Recognise that numbers can be used to count
Identify things in a group that are different
See differences in shapes
Identify the primary colours—red, blue, yellow and black and white
Tell the difference between opposites such as up/down, in/out etc.
Personal Social Development
Use the toilet independently
Knows own name and phone number or address
Adapts to unfamiliar settings and new experiences
Finish a task and tidy up afterwards
Play co-operatively with other children
Take turns and share with other children
Sit and listen to a story for about 5 minutes
Participate in imaginative play
Share an adult's attention with several other children
Physical Development
Use scissors and cut along a straight line
Put on and take off jumpers, shoes and socks independently
Enjoy a variety of indoor and outdoor play
Make and design things using a variety of materials such as blocks, lego, boxes etc.
Parents can encourage their children to attempt the skills listed above but shouldn't be worried if their child can not do all successfully at this stage. Once at school the early stage one teachers (Kindergarten teachers) will be providing learning opportunities to consolidate and extend these skills.